Our services

At present:

AMEE works in society using two fundamental actions:

  • Training: we provide training to equip people with resources to help them deal with their conflicts and disagreements through dialogue and collaboration with others.
  • Mediation: we intervene directly in conflicts through a mediation process.

The philosophy that inspires our way of working is based on Restorative Justice, Marshall Rosenberg’s Nonviolent Communication and Dominic Barter’s Restorative Circles.

Since February 2014, we have been working at Madrid Prison I (Women) on a “Restorative Justice and Mediation Programme” approved by the Secretary General of Prisons.

Instituciones Penitenciarias

The following activities have been carried out within this framework:

  • Penitentiary Mediation:
    • Penitentiary mediation parallel to disciplinary processes
    • Preventive penitentiary mediation
    • Family penitentiary mediation
  • Criminal Mediation:
    • Restorative meetings between inmate/perpetrator and UNconnected victim of the crime.
    • Restorative meetings between inmate/perpetrator and connected victim of the crime.
  • Training for inmates: workshops on “Training and Mediation for Conflict Resolution using NVC and Restorative Circle tools” aiming to:
    • get the inmates to understand, experiment and be able to gradually apply a more compassionate means of interacting with each other and others (NVC Tools)
    • ensure that the inmates have resources to resolve their conflicts by considering the values and needs of all those involved (Mediation and Restorative Circles)
  • Training for the Management Team, the Treatment Board, professionals and officials at the prison: training on NVC tools (5 workshops) and Restorative Circle tools (3 workshops).

Fundación Wolters KluwerAMEE has signed a Collaboration Agreement with Penitentiary Institutions and with Wolters Kluwer in order to carry out a Restorative Justice program.

One-on-one opportunities for prison inmates to be heard

A new service allowing inmates in the correctional facility to have one-on-one sessions where they can be heard was begun in June 2016. From past experience, we have found that inmates, for reasons linked to their personal circumstances, have a real need to be heard. However, the type of attention that the inmates have requested is incompatible with our group dynamics sessions, which is why we have decided to start this one-on-one service on a weekly basis.
